This product includes only one WandererCover. The images on this page are for demonstration purposes and do not include any other telescopes or equipment shown.
The only difference between the V4-EC IR and V4-EC is the addition of infrared remote control functionality. This allows users to control the WandererCover via infrared remote, making it convenient for field or ASIAIR use. Only a single 12V power cable is required—no need to connect a USB cable if not controlling it using ASCOM, simplifying your field setup.
The new dimming controller boosts PWM dimming frequency by 100%, effectively reducing the occurrence of banding and ensuring no banding during exposures of 0.1 seconds or longer. 255-level dimming meets the flat-field shooting needs, from color cameras to narrowband imaging. At maximum brightness, capturing 3nm narrowband only takes around 1 second!